Don’t Miss the APK 5K and the Post Race Party!
The countdown continues… our inaugural APK 5K at Hammonassett State Park begins in less than 48 hours. And that means that our post race party begins in less than 48 hours as well. Come one, come all. And let us entertain you. We’ve got Daniel M. Clark, also known as “the Singing Trooper,” performing before the race and after the race at the post race party. Click here for more information on Dan Clark. See a video of Dan below.
In addition to Mr. Clark’s performances before and after the race, John Condie will also be on hand at the post race party. See below for a video of what’s in store for us from Mr. Condie.
APK Charities is a non-profit organization raising funds for the APK Direct Assistance Program and APK Endowment Fund in loving memory of Captain Andrew Pedersen-Keel, Special Forces.
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