APK Charities General Fund in Memory of Captain Andrew M. Pedersen-Keel, Special Forces
APK Charities is a non-profit organization raising funds for the APK Direct Assistance Program, the APK Endowment Fund with the Madison & Guilford Foundations, and Spikes K9 Fund in loving memory of Captain Andrew Pedersen-Keel, Special Forces. The majority of our funds raised for these worthy causes comes from our annual APK 5K and 5K Ruck March which takes place on the first Saturday of every November. This year, our APK 5K and 5K Ruck March are both in person – on Saturday, November 4, 2023 – and virtual from October 29 through November 5, 2023. Scroll down to learn…
About APK Charities
Our mission is to serve as a bridge connecting our society and our Armed Forces, opening our hearts and minds to serve those who protect us.
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization proudly raising funds for our Military through: the APK Endowment Fund with the Madison & Guilford Foundations, Spikes K9 Fund, and the APK Direct Assistance Program that provides direct financial aid and material assistance to active-duty Military, Veterans and their families and Gold Star Families.
APK Charities was created to help us properly honor and remember the life, bravery, and humanitarian spirit of our son, Captain Andrew M. Pedersen-Keel. America’s military, and their families, make enormous sacrifices every day. We seek to raise awareness and support for our active, retired, wounded and fall-en warriors and their families, and to provide financial aid and material assistance to charitable organizations and causes that support Veterans.
APK Direct Assistance Program
The APK Direct Assistance Program (DAP) is designed to provide direct financial and other support services to service members and their families who are in need of emergency or hardship assistance. This means that in addition to supporting military charities, we work with local organizations that support Veterans. Our direct funding helps those who may be slipping through the cracks, or for whom timing is critical.
They stepped up when we needed them. Let’s be there when Veterans need us most.
APK 5 K and 5K Ruck March
The majority of the funds we use to help veterans in need across Connecticut, come from our annual APK 5K Run & Ruck, and our Kids Fun Run. This celebrated and important event takes place every year on the first Saturday in November. Due to worries about COVID 19, this year’s run will be virtual. Run wherever you’d like. But please run. Whether you run, ruck or walk, join the fun for a great cause!
In loving memory of Charles G. Wolf
In addition to honoring Captain Pedersen-Keel, I make this donation in memory of Charles Wolfe, a decorated combat veteran of the Korean War’s “Fighting Fifth” Marine Regiment.
For my friend Jack Bellinghams birthday
Our new studio raised money for Memorial Day in honor of Andrew. Although they didn’t know each other; my husband Chase Baker and Andrew were 06 classmates at West Point!
This donation is in honor of Art Robbins – 7th grade Social Studies teacher at Polson Middle School. He has made a lasting impact on our daughter and we are grateful for his dedication to teaching and citizenship.
Hello, we are a local periodontal/dental practice and we have a charity donations program. We collect suggestions from new patients and your organization was named.
AOF ’02
Love you!
We are grateful for Andrew’s and so many other soldiers for their service and sacrifice for our country.
We want to honor Andrew’s sacrifice to our country and support those that serve or have served our country, along with their families.
To PK, whose incredible influence set my life on an amazing track in the US Army.
In Honor of ODA 3126 through the years. Never Forget.
Nutmeg State Blue Star Mothers CT5 send our love to Helen and Bob.
Helen and I go way back.. and I will never forget meeting About a 9 or 10 year old Andrew in Washington D.C. at a vascular meeting that Helen and I attended in 1978, when Helen and I became forever friends. I will never forget Andrew and his commitment to his Country.. and I have the greatest respect and love for what Helen and Bob are doing in his memory. May God continue to bless them and all they serve.
One love.
The Wallingford Lions Club appreciates your mission and commitment to service to others. We thank you for honoring all of our Armed Forces and their families. Wishing you a successful event! -from your friends, ROAR!
Hi Bob and Helen,
Sorry I can’t make the RUCK. Prior family obligation. Thanks for all your help with Hayat Zarin’s family. We’ve almost got the family trained on CT Transit buses to/from their med. and dental appointments. Your housing assistance is AMAZING!!! as is the family!
Jim and Doris
In loving memory of our mom Alberta Niedziela on what would be her 100th birthday. Mom lived in CT her entire life and always donated to veterans’ charities. She would greatly approve of the veteran support provided by APK Charities.
In honor of each service woman and man who dedicates her/his life to meet unimaginable challenges within their days. This includes local police, fire, EMT responders, as well as currently active and veteran armed services.
For Alex and all the other fallen members of third group and their families. May we never forget.
We will always honor the memory of APK!
This is a cause dear to my heartstrings. APK forever remembered
Helen & Bob,
Wishing you a very successful event! Sorry I missed the sponsorship deadline.
Best wishes,
This is on behalf of the CT 102d Army Band to something we look forward to each year. Happy to send our Rock Band and wish you all the best on a successful day of remembrance and excellence!
Helen – in addition to the $10,000 donation we have made in PK’s name to the West Point AOG, we are also making this $100 donation directly to APK Charities. Best Regards, Anne & Carl Swanson
Bob and Helen, we are unable to make the run this year as we will be in Indiana with Paige rooting against Penn State..sorry Bob!! It looks like the weather will be perfect. We wish you so much success and know that although this is such a wonderful thing you do, it continues to also recognize your personal loss. Sending you both hugs!
Michelle, Sean, Paige and Jake
I was unable to participate in this year’s APK 5k Run & Ruck. Andrew, Helen & Bob, you are always in my thoughts. <3
In honor of all the parents, who also sacrifice for our country.
May the Lord continue to bless you as you bless others!
Dear Helen and Bob,
As Veterans Day was last week, we remember Andrew’s faithful service to his country, and his ultimate sacrifice.
May the Lord continue to pour out His amazing grace on you both as He heals your hearts
Jim & Judy Wheeler.
Avon Old Farms would like to honor Andrew and all soldiers and thier families who served and sacrificed for our country.
Thanks to my cousin Eric Lemieux I became aware of the A P K Charities.
I am a U. S. Submarine veteran of the Vietnam era.
I met the father in Family weekend at West Point, where my son currently is. Very moving.
I heard about this incredible organization through my friend, Ray Simpson. I wanted to donate to help the cause and to support him when he does his march in March 2023! Go Ray and team, you got this!
We are donating for Juliana’s 4th birthday.
Friend’s son
In loving memory of Josephine Grace Gay
because I love Helen and Bob!
Happy to donate to this worthy cause
My good friend, Kevin Dowd, introduced me to APK Charities, and wanted to do my small part to help out this worthy cause. Thank you for what you do!
Sorry to miss the race. Hope you have a wonderful day!
Sean, Michelle, Paige and Jake
Thank you to all the young men and women who have been and still are in the military and those who have given their lives for all of us.
Wish I could be there with the family as you honor and remember Andrew!
God Bless the USA!
On behalf of the students, faculty, and staff of Avon Old Farms School – the Avon Army.
Heard Helen speak today at AOF about APK, and it moved me to tears.
Honoring our Heroes who served with a donation to APK Charities on Veteran’s Day. Thanks to them all. From a fellow Veteran.
Avon Old Farms school honors APK!
Love APK
God Bless all the men and women who serve in our armed forces
For Matt Hubert the Mountain Man March April 20, 2024, Gatlinburg Tenn.
For Sean and Tillie Tong (cancer patient, Afghanistan vet)
Helping those who made the ultimate sacrifice to keep our way of life as a free nation is everything to me. God bless all of you.
to support our New Fairfield Veteran Matt Hubert … from the New Fairfield Veteran Association
To support veterans in need.
To support Greg Sovich in race.
Tilcon CT supports APK Charities. Thank you for your service.
Donated on behalf of Steel-Hearts.org in memory of CPT Andrew M. Pedersen-Keel
Supporting Greg Sovich in the MMMM. Proud of you man! What a great cause!
On Behalf of Todd Brauer/On Our Shoulders Group
Donating for Lord Greg Sovich of Austin
In Memory of Andrew on this Memorial Day. Honoring his life and the lives of others who lost their lives serving our country.
I went to Moran Middle School with Andrew. I am now a 5th grade teacher in Meriden. Each year since his passing. I have shared the video of the Memorial Day assembly at Moran to teach my students about Memorial Day. This year another teacher in my school (she is a Madison resident and has seen your family in the parade) and I started a Kindess Club. We hosted monthly events to spread kindness through the community. In May we raised money in our school through a red, white, and blue day and a staff vs. students kickball game with donations. The money we are donating today was raised by our students. I will never forget him and will continue to keep his memory alive in my classroom.
Happy Birthday Andrew! Although I never had the privilege of meeting you, I am honored to know you through your wonderful parents. The charity they founded to honor you is a huge tribute to you, your parents and all veterans.
Our love and prayers are with you both, Jim & Judy Wheeler
APK, we will never forget! Helen, Bob, and Team, love the difference you are making in his honor.
Proud Veteran
Andrew will forever be in our hearts and on our minds. Thank you for all you do!
Jay and Mary Joliat
In honor of Dan’s birthday. You made a huge impression on him. Thank you for all you do!
In honor of Dan Nolan’s birthday. You made a huge impression on him, and he was incredibly grateful for your support of M and his family. Thank you!
In honor of Ashton Ballesteros birthday and change of command
This donation is from the Exchange Club of Madison
Helen and Bob, we are amazed at the difference you have made in so many lives in honor of PK. Love you both, Noreen & Chuck
From the Fairfield, CT Pickem Pool (recommended by Garrett Hickey)