Bob Presents CrossfitVanZandt and First State Bank of Ben Wheeler with APK Commendations
Greetings from Bob in Canton, TX! We’ll let Bob tell you in his own words what’s happening in Canton, TX today…
We rode out to Canton, TX for for a visit to CrossfitVanZandt and First State Bank of Ben Wheeler. CrossFit Van Zandt is owned by Sam Deen, a 2006 West Point graduate and classmate of Andrew. CrossFit Van Zandt sponsored the WOD Murph on Memorial Day and Chet Clayton, President of the First State Bank of Ben Wheeler made a generous donation for each person that completed the WOD Murph to APK Charities in honor of Andrew Pedersen-Keel. Today on behalf of Helen and APK Charities, I presented the First State Bank of Ben Wheeler and Sam with commendations and thanks for their support.
Thanks to Cris Valley, Matt Devivo, Mario Silvas, Ayron Sequeira of CxC Foundation and Kevin J McMahon for their support.

APK Charities’ Bob Keiser presents commendations to Chet Clayton, President of the First State Bank of Ben Wheeler and Sam Deen of CrossFit Van Zandt to thank them for their support.
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